Jan 10,2020

Join us! Peking University School of Nursing faculty positions opening


      Peking University School of Nursing is pleased to invite application from nursing scientists from the whole world for tenure-track or tenured position. 
About us
      Peking University School of Nursing was among the first institutions to restore higher nursing education in the 1970s in China. Since the recruitment of its first nursing undergraduates in 1985, through more than 30 years’ unremitting efforts, the School has positioned itself as leaders in the science and practice of nursing discipline in China. The School is officially recognized as the lead institution of both the National Nursing Teaching Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education, and the Nursing Subcommittee of the Graduate Education Steering Committee for National Medical Professional Degree in China. In 2017, the School was among the first schools to build “Double Top-Class” discipline in China. In 2018, the School was honored as the March 8th red flag organization in Beijing. 
Opening positions
1. Associate professors (tenured) 
2. Assistant professors (tenure-track)
Basic requirements
1. Hold a degree of Doctor of Philosophy or comparable research-focused doctoral degree in nursing or related sciences (public health, medicine, psychology, rehabilitation, statistics, etc.)
2. Be able to complete related service work in and out of the school.
3. Physically competent to complete tasks which job requires
Required documents
1. A full CV including education and work experience, research achievement, academic awards, etc. 
2. Copy of degree certificate in PDF file.
3. A list of 5 peer-reviewed articles representing research ability
4. At least 2 professional reference from renowned academics
5. A detailed career plan after hired
Rank will be determined by their achievement
      Peking University offers competitive salary and benefits to faculty members. Faculty will enjoy the resource from the first-class research platform in China. Faculty salary is based on their experience and rank, as well as bonus available based on their work achievement. Peking University also offers benefits such as children’s education, housing compensation and medical insurance.
To apply, email your documents with the title “Position + Your Name”.
Job will remain posted until positions are filled!
Contact Information
Contact: Ms. Zhou
Tel: +86-010-82805358
Email: bdhlrs@163.com