Mar 01,2024

SUN, Yumei

Yumei Sun

Yumei Sun

Associate professor

Department: Medical & surgical Nursing

Tel: 01082805229
Address: 38 Xueyuan Road, Haidian DistrictBeijing, China 100191

Personal Introduction:

Sun Yumei has worked as a teacher at School of Nursing, Peking University since 1997. As an associate professor, the main courses she is teaching are Health Assessment and Communicable Diseases Nursing for bachelor degree students, and Advanced Health Assessment for Master degree students. She is also interested in using information technology,such as VR, AR, gamification, to improve her teaching.

Her research fields focus on educational technology and the health management and mild cognition impairment of clients with chronic diseases based on health big data. She is a reviewer of comprehensive systematic review for the Joanna Briggs Institute.

Personal profile (experiences such as Education, Employment, courses you are teaching):

l Education

1987.9-1992.7 Studied in China Medical University for Bachelor degree in medical science

1994.9-1997.7 Studied in Beijing Medical University for Master degree in medical science

2018.8-now studied in Peking University for Ed.D

l Employment

1992.8-1994.8 Worked in first hospital affiliated Jinzhou Medical college

1997.8-now Work in School of Nursing, Peking University

l Main courses

Health Assessment (for undergraduates)

Communicable Diseases Nursing(for undergraduates)

Advanced Health Assessment (for graduates)

Research Areas:

educational technology and blended learning; the health management and cognitive frailty of clients with chronic diseases based on AI and big data

Selected projects (including title and fund support):

2023-2025 Research on scientific evaluation method of residents' health status based on regional medical and health big data(Funded by Beijing Natural Science Foundation, participated in)

2022-2025 Research on the construction of risk prediction model and health management path of chronic disease based on knowledge graph under the background of big data (Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, participated in)

2021-2023 The public’s risk perception, behavior patterns and emotional guidance under the major public health emergencies (Funded by Beijing Natural Science Foundation, participated in)

2021-2022 Gamification teaching design of occupational safety protection in infectious disease hospital(Funded by Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, take charge of )

2019-2021 Practice and exploration of mixed teaching supported by information technology in infectious disease teaching (Funded by PKU, take charge of )

2018-2020 Practice and exploration of MOOC based blended teaching in health assessment course(Funded by PKUHSC, take charge of )

Selected publication (no more than 10 papers) :

l Sun YJiang HChen HSun H. The blended learning experience of nursing undergraduates in a hybrid-flexible course modelChinese Journal of Nursing Education,20221910):869-875

l Gao C, ,Sun Y, Zhang F, Zhou F, Dong C , Ke Z, Wang Q, Yang Y, Sun H. Prevalence and correlates of lifestyle behavior, anxiety and depression in Chinese college freshman: A cross-sectional survey. Int J Nurs Sci. 2021 Jun5;8(3):347-353.

l Sun Y, Zhao Q, Li X, Sun H. Online learning status of nursing undergraduates during the special period of class suspension with learning uninterrupted [J]. Chinese Journal of Nursing Education, 2021, 18(06):515-519.

l Wang H, Zhang Z, Sun Y, Li W, Zhang W Self-management behaviors and its influencing factors among mid-aged adult patients with type 2 Diabetes in a Suburb of Beijng [J]. Nursing Journal Chinese PLA,2020,37(07):15-19.

l Yang J, Zhang Z, Zhang L, Su Y, Sun Y, Wang Q. Relationship between self-care behavior and cognitive function in hospitalized adult patients with type 2 diabetes: A cross-sectional study. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2020,13:207–214.

l Yang P, Sun Y. Opportunities and challenges of nursing teachers in the context of Blended Learning [J]. Chinese Journal of Nursing Education,2020,17(06):498-502.

l Su Y, Xing P, Zhang X, Han J, Sun Y. HIV-infected disclosure to male regular partners by MSM: a qualitative study [J]. Chinese Nursing Management,2019,19(12):1774-1778.

l Niu G, Su Y, Li Y, Sun Y. Development of health education competency scale of community nurses and Its reliability and validity test [J]. Chinese General Practice,2019,22(17):2116-2120.