Mar 01,2024

YU, Mingming

Mingming YU

Mingming YU

PhD, RN, Assistant Professor

Department: School of Nursing

Tel: 86-10-18201008218
Address: # 38 Xue Yuan Road, Hai Dian District, Beijing, 100191, P.R. China

Personal profile (experiences such as Education, Employment, courses you are teaching):


08/2008-07/2011 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

09/2005-07/2008 Master of Nursing

Nursing Faculty, School of Medicine, Xi’an Jiaotong University

09/2000-07/2005 Bachelor of Science in Medicine

Nursing Faculty, School of Medicine, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Professional Experience & Employment

09/2018-present Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Peking University

10/2013-07/2018 Lecturer, School of Nursing, Peking Union Medical College

06/2012-09/2013 Teaching Assistant, School of Nursing, Peking Union Medical College

Research Areas:

Cardiovascular rehabilitation and nursing, Elder self-neglect, Psychological health of caregivers of heart failure patients, Instrument validation

Selected projects (including title and fund support):

1. 2021.08-2024.08, The Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Foundation, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, “Development of an interventional program for self-neglect among older adults based on salutogenic model”, 21YJC840034,PI

2. 2020.12-2023.11,National Key Research and Development Program, “Development of a health big data knowledge base and health self-management in older adults”, 2020YFC2008802PI

Selected publication (no more than 10 papers) :

  1. Yu M*, Wang W, Gu L, Ramachandran HJ*. Perspectives and experiences of living with self-neglect among older adults: a systematic review and meta-synthesis. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2023, in press.

  2. Yu M*, Qian M. The Chinese version of the Abrams Geriatric Self-neglect Scale: translation, validity, and reliability. Geriatric Nursing 2022, 47:55-60.

  3. Yu M*, Wang L, Guan L, Qian M, Lv J, Deng M. Knowledge, attitudes, and barriers related to medication adherence of older patients with coronary heart disease in China. Geriatric Nursing, 2022, 43: 235-241.

  4. Yu M, Ramachandran HJ, Qian M, Shi Y, Gu L*, Wang W. Understanding professionals’ perspectives and experiences of elder self-neglect: a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2022, 54: 24-30.

  5. Yu M*, Shi Y, Gu L, Wang W. “Jolly Fat” or “Sad Fat”: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between obesity and depression among community-dwelling older adults. Aging & Mental Health, 2022, 26(1): 13-25.

  6. Yu M, Gu L*, Shi Y, Wang W. A systematic review of self-neglect and its risk factors among community-dwelling older adults. Aging & Mental Health, 2021, 25(12): 2179-2190.

  7. Deng M, Qian M, Lv J, Guo C, Yu M*. The association between loneliness and sleep quality among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Geriatric Nursing, 2023, 49: 94-100.

  8. Qian M, Shi Y, Lv J, Yu M*. Instruments to assess self-neglect among older adults: A systematic review of measurement properties. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2021,123:104070.

  9. Gu L, Xu D, Yu M*. Mediating effects of stigma on the relationship between contact and willingness to care for people with mental illness among nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 2021, 103: 104973.

  10. Gu L, Jiao W, Xia H, Yu M*. Psychiatric-mental health education with integrated role-play and real-world contact can reduce the stigma of nursing students towards people with mental illness. Nurse Education in Practice, 2021, 52: 103009.

(*: Corresponding author)

Membership (academic):

Committee Member, Academic Committee of the Chinese Nursing Association

Expert Member, Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education of the Chinese Nursing Association

Council Member, Chinese Association of Geriatric Research