Mar 01,2024

WU, Xue

Wu Xue

Wu Xue

PhD, RN, Associate Professor

Department: Fundamental Nursing

Tel: +86 10 82805245
Address: 38 Xueyuan Rd , Haidian District, Beijing, 100191, China

Personal Introduction:

I have engaged in nursing education and reserach for nearly twenty years. Our research most focus on nursing informatics, modeling and prediction of human behavior, and more than 50 papers have been published. In the laboratory, we carried out the experiments on the human-computer interaction (HCI) performance with the technique support of EEG and eyes tracking. We have constructed the influence model of information processing in communication and trust, and verified it in the real situation. Our work is supported by NSFC and National Key R&D Program of China, and more than ten bachelor and MA students have graduated from our research team.

Personal profile:

Educational Experiences

PhD Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

MA School of Nursing, Shandong University

Bachelor School of Nursing, Shandong University

Professional Experiences

Associate Professor, lecturer & teaching assistant Peking University School of Nursing

Visiting Scholar Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Teaching Courses

Nursing Informatics

Fundamental Nursing

Nursing Research

Research Areas:

Interdisciplinary research between applied psychology and nursing, especially in HCI, medical safety and nursing informatics

Selected projects:

PI National Natural Science Foundation of China

Human computer interaction safety performance in hospital with dual-task conflict: from the perspective of cognitive control

PI National Natural Science Foundation of China

Mechanism for patients’acceptance of medical risk based on information interaction and doctor-patient trust

Principle researcher National Key R&D Program of China

Internet plus elderly care technology research and application demonstration

PI Beijing Excellent Young Scholars Project

The present and cooperative development of the course of "Introduction to nursing" in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

PI Educational Project of Peking University Health Science Center

Design of flipped classroom teaching of "nursing information system" based on clinical senario

Selected publication:

1. Wu, B.L., Zhang, M. M., Hu, H.L., Wu, X*. (2023). The effectiveness of telemedicine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: An overview of systematic reviews and meta- analysis. Telemedicine and E-health.

2. Hu, H., Gong, H., Ma, D., & Wu, X*. (2022). Association between workplace psychological violence and work engagement among emergency nurses: The mediating effect of organizational climate. PloS one, 17(6), e0268939.

3. Hu, H., Wang, C., Lan, Y., & Wu, X*. (2022). Nurses' turnover intention, hope and career identity: the mediating role of job satisfaction. BMC nursing, 21(1), 43.

4. Wei, D., Gong, H., & Wu, X*. (2022). Residents' subjective mental workload during computerized prescription entry. Informatics for health & social care, 47(3), 283–294.

5.Hu, H., Xu, A., Gao, C., Wang, Z., & Wu, X*. (2021). The effect of physical exercise on rheumatoid arthritis: An overview of systematic reviews and meta-analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, 77(2), 506–522.

6. Li, S., Gong, H., Pan, J., & Wu, X*. (2021). Relationship Between Undergraduate Nursing Students' Self-directed Learning and Training Demands for Nursing Information Systems: A Cross-sectional Study. Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN, 39(12), 908–915.

7.Sun, C., Wei, D., Gong, H., Ding, X., & Wu, X*. (2020). How does patient provider communication affect patients' risk perception? A scenario experiment and an exploratory investigation. International journal of nursing practice, 26(5), e12872.

8. Xu, A., Wang, Y., & Wu, X*. (2019). Effectiveness of e-health based self-management to improve cancer-related fatigue, self-efficacy and quality of life in cancer patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(12), 3434–3447.

9. Wu, X., Wu, C., Wei, D., & Xiao, Y. (2019). Alternative computer mouse trigger designs in computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system to reduce clinicians’ drop-down menu selection errors. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 71, 14-19.

10. Wu, X., Wu, C., Zhang, K., & Wei, D. (2016). Residents' numeric inputting error in computerized physician order entry prescription. International journal of medical informatics, 88, 25–33.

Membership (academic):

Standing committee member of Nursing Board, China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care

Standing committee member of Occupational Ergonomics Board, Chinese Ergonomics Society

Committee member of Chinese Nursing Psychology Board, Psychological Society

Committee member of Nursing Board, China Information Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Committee member of Peking University Institutional Review Board

Committee member of Peking University Health Science Center Aged Care Intelligence & Innovation Research Institute